Hands On Science

Hi guys 👍

Today we had Hands on Science which is a Science program where you do experiments. One of the things we did is making rubber with laytex. You put it vinegar or an other type acid keep on squishing it and playing with it in the vinegar until it turns into rubber. We made plastic by putting geltine in a cup and then the teachers come around and add hot water which was red. After dissolving the geltine we put the mixture on a cup, took the air bubbles off and spreading it. After that we where done the experiment and in two days we will be peeling the gelatine off and it will turn into plastic. 

We also burned some materials ( Cotten, Drifit, plastic, nomex, nylon and wool). The nomex did not burn, the Cotten burnt quickly, the drifit burnt quickly and dropped off, the plastic was fast and dripped the nylon burnt quickly and the wool took a long time. 

Another experiment we did was putting moisturiser on the materials and see how long they took to absorb the moisturiser. The wool took 37 seconds, the nomex took seven, the plastic talk more than 50 (because that was the limiting seconds), to drifit  took four seconds and the nylon took 50+ and the cotton took 15. 

 We also did an experiment which we saw how much drifit (other groups did different materials) insulated the heat to do this we got a bottle put on our material around it, used the rubber band to hold the material then put hot water inside, put thermometer inside the starting temperature was 76 Celsius after five minutes it was 68 Celsius after 10 minutes it was 64 celsius and after 15 minutes it was 59 Celsius and after 20 minutes it was 56 Celsius. 

Hope you enjoyed my review on Hands On Science. 

Have you ever done Hands on Science if you have, out of 10 how much did you like it?

Signing off for now, Olive

2 thoughts on “Hands On Science

  1. Hello Olive!
    I really like how added detail in your post.
    At hands-on science, I’d rate it out 7 out of 10.
    I really enjoyed working with you!
    What was your favourite thing you did?
    Also, next time, at the start of your post; you could seperate the two things we did into two!😊
    That’s all for now!!!

  2. Hi Olive,
    It is really surprising that in the insulation experiment my class got roughly the same results. I have done hands on Science and give it a 6 out of 10. What do you give it?
    From Audrey 🤩

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